It plots bars of the averages of treatments and standard error or standard deviance. It uses the objects generated by a procedure of comparison like LSD, HSD, Kruskal and Waller-Duncan.

x: data frame formed by 5 columns: name of the bars, height, level out: LSD.test, HSD, waller.test, scheffe.test, duncan.test, SNK.test, friedman, kruskal, waerden.test and Median.test.

  variation = c("SE", "SD", "range", "IQR"),
  horiz = FALSE,
  bar = TRUE,

# S3 method for default
  variation = c("SE", "SD", "range", "IQR"),
  horiz = FALSE,
  bar = TRUE,



object means of the comparisons the LSD.test, HSD.test,...,etc


SE=standard error, range=Max-Min or IQR=interquartil range


Horizontal or vertical bars


paint bar


Parameters of the function barplot()


A list with numeric vectors giving the coordinates of all the bar midpoints drawn.

x eje-1 coordinate

height eje-2 coordinate by group

See also


library(agricolae) data(sweetpotato) model<-aov(yield~virus,data=sweetpotato) out <- waller.test(model,"virus", console=TRUE, main="Yield of sweetpotato\ndealt with different virus")
#> #> Study: Yield of sweetpotato #> dealt with different virus #> #> Waller-Duncan K-ratio t Test for yield #> #> This test minimizes the Bayes risk under additive loss and certain other assumptions #> ...... #> K ratio 100.00000 #> Error Degrees of Freedom 8.00000 #> Error Mean Square 22.48917 #> F value 17.34478 #> Critical Value of Waller 2.23600 #> #> virus, means #> #> yield std r Min Max #> cc 24.40000 3.609709 3 21.7 28.5 #> fc 12.86667 2.159475 3 10.6 14.9 #> ff 36.33333 7.333030 3 28.0 41.8 #> oo 36.90000 4.300000 3 32.1 40.4 #> #> Minimum Significant Difference 8.657906 #> Treatments with the same letter are not significantly different. #> #> yield groups #> oo 36.90000 a #> ff 36.33333 a #> cc 24.40000 b #> fc 12.86667 c
oldpar<-par(mfrow=c(2,2),cex=1) bar.err(out$means,variation="range",horiz=TRUE,xlim=c(0,45),angle=125,density=6, main="range") bar.err(out$means,variation="SD",ylim=c(0,45),col=colors()[30], main="Standard deviation",density=8) bar.err(out$means,variation="SE",horiz=TRUE,xlim=c(0,45),density=8, col="brown",main="Standard error") bar.err(out$means,variation="range",ylim=c(0,45),bar=FALSE,col="green", main="range")
par(mfrow=c(1,2),cex=1) bar.err(out$means,variation="range",ylim=c(0,45),bar=FALSE,col=0) abline(h=0) # horiz = TRUE bar.err(out$means,variation="SE",horiz=TRUE,xlim=c(0,45),bar=FALSE,col=0)
#startgraph par(oldpar) #endgraph