Statistical Formulae

Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in pre-primary education and other ECCE programmes by gender

Total number of children enrolled in early childhood care and education programmes, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population in the relevant official age group.



\(GER_{ECCE}^{t}\) Gross enrolment ratio in \(ECCE\) programmes in school year \(t\)

\(E_{ECCE}^{t}\) Number of children enrolled in \(ECCE\) programmes in school year \(t\)

\(P_{ECCE}^{t}\) Population in relevant official age group concerned with \(ECCE\) in school year \(t\)

Gross Intake Rate (GIR) in primary education by gender

Total number of new entrants in Grade 1 of primary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population at the official primary school entrance age.



\(GIR^{t}\) Gross intake ratio in school year \(t\)

\(N^{t}\) Number of new entrants in Grade 1 of primary education, in school year \(t\)

\(P_{a}^{t}\) Population of official primary school entrance age \(a\), in school year \(t\)

Net Intake Rate (NIR) in primary education by gender

New entrants to Grade 1 of primary education who are of the official primary school entrance age, expressed as a percentage of the population of the same age.



\(NIR^{t}\) Net intake rate in school year \(t\)

\(N_{a}^{t}\) Number of children of official primaryschool entrance age \(a\) who enter Grade 1 of primary education for the first time, in school year \(t\)

\(P_{a}^{t}\) Population of official primary school entrance age \(a\), in school year \(t\)

Adjusted Net Enrolment Ratio (ANER) by gender

Total number of pupils of the official primary school age group who are enrolled at primary or secondary education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of pupils in the official primary school age range who are enrolled in primary or secondary education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100.

Survival Rate to Grade 5 in primary education by gender

The percentage of a cohort of pupils or students enrolled in the first grade of a given level or cycle of education in a given school year who are expected to reach a given grade, regardless of repetition.



\(SR_{g,i}^{k}\) Survival Rate of pupil-cohort \(g\) at grade \(i\) for a reference year \(k\)

\(E_{g}^{k}\) Total number of pupils belonging to a cohort \(g\) at a reference year \(k\)

\(P_{g,i}^{t}\) Promotees from \(E_{g}^{k}\) who would join successive grades \(i\) throughout successive years \(t\)

\(R_{i}^{t}\) Number of pupils repeating grade \(i\) in school year \(t\)

\(i\) Grade \(\left(1,2,3,...,n\right)\)

\(t\) Year \(\left(1,2,3,...,m\right)\)

\(g\) pupil-cohort


Effective Transition Rate (ETR) from primary to general secondary education by gender

Number of new entrants to the first grade of the higher level of education in the following year expressed as a percentage of the students enrolled in the last grade of the given level of education in the given year who do not repeat that grade the following year.



\(ETranR_{h,h+1}^{t}\) Effective transition rate from cycle or level of education \(h\) to the next level \(h+1\) in school year \(t\)

\(NE_{h+1,G1}^{t+1}\) Number of new entrants to the first grade \(G1\) at level of education \(h+1\) in school year \(t+1\)

\(E_{h+1,G1}^{t+1}\) Number of pupils enrolled in the first grade \(G1\) at level of education \(h+1\) in school year \(t+1\)

\(R_{h+1,G1}^{t+1}\) Number of pupils repeating the first grade \(G1\) at level of education \(h+1\) in school year \(t+1\)

\(E_{h,Gn}^{t}\) Number of pupils enrolled in the last grade \(Gn\) at level of education \(h\) in school year \(t\)

\(R_{h,Gn}^{t+1}\) Number of pupils repeating the last grade \(Gn\) at level of education \(h\) in school year \(t+1\)

Youth (15-24 years old) literacy rates by gender

Percentage of people aged 15 to 24 years who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement on their everyday life. Generally, ‘literacy’ also encompasses ‘numeracy’, the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations.



\(LIR_{15-24}^{t}\) Literacy Rate of people aged \(15-24\) years old in year \(t\)

\(L_{15-24}^{t}\) Literacy Population aged \(15-24\) years old in year \(t\)

\(P_{15-24}^{t}\) Population aged \(15-24\) years old in year \(t\)

Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in secondary education by type of programme (general; technical and vocational education and training; non-formal education and skills training) and by gender

Number of pupils or students enrolled in a given level of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the official school-age population corresponding to the same level of education. For the tertiary level, the population used is the 10-16 years age group starting from the official secondary school graduation age. Divide the number of pupils (or students) enrolled in a given level of education regardless of age by the population of the age group which officially corresponds to the given level of education, and multiply the result by 100.

Adult (15 years old and over) literacy rates by gender

Percentage of population aged 15 years and over who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement on his/her everyday life. Generally, ‘literacy’ also encompasses ‘numeracy’, the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations. Adult illiteracy is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15 years and over who cannot both read and write with understanding a short simple statement on his/her everyday life.


\[ ILL_{15^{+}}^{t}=\frac{I_{15^{+}}^{t}}{P_{15^{+}}^{t}}\times100\]


\(LIT_{15^{+}}^{t}\) Adult literacy rate \(\left(15^{+}\right)\) in year \(t\)

\(ILL_{15^{+}}^{t}\) Adult illiteracy rate \(\left(15^{+}\right)\) in year \(t\)

\(L_{15^{+}}^{t}\) Adult literacy population \(\left(15^{+}\right)\) in year \(t\)

\(I_{15^{+}}^{t}\) Adult illiteracy population \(\left(15^{+}\right)\) in year \(t\)

\(P_{15^{+}}^{t}\) Adult population \(\left(15^{+}\right)\) in year \(t\)

Females enrolled as percentage of total enrolment by level of education (pre-primary, primary, lower and upper secondary education)

Percentage of female students

The total number of female students in a given level of education, expressed as a percentage of the total number of students enrolled at that level of education. Divide the total number of female students at a given level of education by the total enrolment at the same level, and multiply by 100.

Female teachers as percentage of total number of teachers in primary and lower and upper secondary

Percentage of female teachers

The number of female teachers at a given level of education, expressed as a percentage of the total number of teachers at the same level of education.



\(\%FT_{h}^{t}\) Percentage of female teachers in educational level \(h\) in year \(t\)

\(FT_{h}^{t}\) Number of female teachers in educational level \(h\) in year \(t\)

\(T_{h}^{t}\) & Total number of teachers (male and female) in educational level \(h\) in year \(t\)