Government of Pakistan has introduced and implemented several policy interventions for development of Education in the country. Present government is taking every possible step to enhance access, equity, quality education and uniform education system across the country. Pragmatic planning can be designed with the help of accurate, reliable, valid and timely data to measure different education indicators. Education statistics also help to measure internal efficiency and effectiveness of the education system. In this context, it is expected that Pakistan Education Statistics 2017-18 shall be helpful in monitoring the progress relating to National and International Commitments especially Sustainable Development Goals.
Pakistan Education Statistics report 2017-18 consists of two parts. Part-I include, an analysis of Education Statistics, introduction, an overview on education statistics, educational trends and effectiveness of the education system, whereas, Part-II include key indicators of Education Statistics, data on educational institutions, student enrolment, number and capacity of teachers and availability of physical facilities in the overall education system of the country. The focus of report is on analytical aspects of educational statistics such as educational trends, GIR, GER, ANER and Gender Parity Index (GPI). These indicators enable the policy makers to examine effectiveness of education system and measure the accessibility of education as well as identify deficient areas. This report also presents educational data regarding all categories of educational institutions both public and private including Deeni Madaris from pre-primary to tertiary level. Data regarding vocational and technical, teacher training and non-formal basic education institutions in the country has also been reported. It can be concluded that Pakistan Education Statistics, 2017-18 is a complete and comprehensive document that provide empirical evidences and graphical presentations for informed decision making and rational planning for development of education particularly to achieve Sustainable Development Goals set for international comparison.
Special feature of this year publication is its accessibility to the users and stakeholders in three different formats on the online web i.e. pdf, epub and HTML.
On behalf of AEPAM, I would like to thank the Federal Education Minister, Mr. Shafqat Mehmood and Federal Secretary Mr. Arshad Mirza, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MoFE&PT) for their continuous support and guidance for the development of professional activities in AEPAM. I am quite sure that under the dynamic leadership of Federal Minister and Federal Secretary, AEPAM will achieve professional advancement of the highest level. I would like to appreciate the efforts of faculty members and officials of AEPAM for their efforts to produce such a valuable document.
Dr. Dawood Shah
Director General
Academy of Educational Planning and Management
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
Government of Pakistan