Diallel Analysis with R


The latest versin 0.1.1 of DiallelAnalysisR is aviable on CRAN. It performs Diallel Analysis with R using Griffing’s and Hayman’s approaches. Four different methods (1: Method-I (Parents + F1’s + reciprocals); 2: Method-II (Parents and one set of F1’s); 3: Method-III (One set of F1’s and reciprocals); 4: Method-IV (One set of F1’s only)) and two methods (1: Fixed Effects Model; 2: Random Effects Model) can be applied using Griffing’s approach.

DiallelAnalysisR has functions to perform Diallel Analysis with R using Griffing’s and Hayman’s approaches. Four different Methods:

  1. Method-I (Parents + F1’s + reciprocals)
  2. Method-II (Parents and one set of F1’s)
  3. Method-III (One set of F1’s and reciprocals)
  4. Method-IV (One set of F1’s only))

and two Models:

  1. Fixed Effects Model
  2. Random Effects Model

can be applied using Griffing’s approach.


Stable Version

Stable version of the package avialabe on CRAN can be installed using:

install.packages('DiallelAnalysisR', dependencies = TRUE)

Development Version

Development version of the package avialabe on Github can be installed using:

if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github('myaseen208/DiallelAnalysisR', build_vignettes = TRUE)


This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL.

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