Performs a stability analysis based on the Kang (1988) criteria. Kang nonparametric stability (ranksum) uses both "trait single value" and stability variance (Shukla, 1972), and the genotype with the lowest ranksum is commonly the most favorable one.

stab_kang(.data, .y, .rep, .gen, .env)

# S3 method for default
stab_kang(.data, .y, .rep, .gen, .env)





Response Variable


Replication Factor


Genotypes Factor


Environment Factor


  1. Kang, M.S. (1988). A rank-sum method for selecting high-yielding, stable corn genotypes. Cereal Research Communications, 16, 1-2.

  2. Shukla, G.K. (1972). Some aspects of partitioning genotype environmental components of variability. Heredity, 29, 237-245.


data(ge_data) YieldKang <- stab_kang( .data = ge_data , .y = Yield , .rep = Rep , .gen = Gen , .env = Env ) YieldKang
#> $Kang #> # A tibble: 60 x 6 #> Gen Mean ShuklaVar rMean rShukaVar rStab #> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> #>  1 013BT034 4248. 94993. 11 8 19 #>  2 122557 4062. 117014. 31 15 46 #>  3 122559 4259. 183294. 10 38 48 #>  4 12B.2511 4414. 255150. 4 52 56 #>  5 12FJ26 4057. 159191. 32 29 61 #>  6 14B.1030 3995. 135368. 37 22 59 #>  7 14C036 3943. 260565. 41 54 95 #>  8 14C040 3825. 148448. 53 27 80 #>  9 9496 4072. 99597. 30 9 39 #> 10 AUR0809 3792. 124782. 54 20 74 #> # ... with 50 more rows #>