Stability Distance of Genotypes in Additive ANOVA for Genotypes by Environment Interaction (GEI) model

stab_dist(.data, .y, .rep, .gen, .env, .m = 2)

# S3 method for default
stab_dist(.data, .y, .rep, .gen, .env, .m = 2)





Response Variable


Replication Factor


Genotypes Factor


Environment Factor


No of PCs retained


Stability Distance


data(ge_data) YieldDist <- stab_dist( .data = ge_data , .y = Yield , .rep = Rep , .gen = Gen , .env = Env , .m = 2 ) YieldDist
#> $stabDist #> # A tibble: 60 x 6 #> Gen Mean Dist rMean rDist YSIDist #> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> #>  1 013BT034 4248. 7.08 11 18 29 #>  2 122557 4062. 10.2 31 27 58 #>  3 122559 4259. 10.3 10 28 38 #>  4 12B.2511 4414. 20.3 4 58 62 #>  5 12FJ26 4057. 8.77 32 22 54 #>  6 14B.1030 3995. 12.6 37 38 75 #>  7 14C036 3943. 12.5 41 37 78 #>  8 14C040 3825. 13.9 53 42 95 #>  9 9496 4072. 4.91 30 10 40 #> 10 AUR0809 3792. 12.1 54 36 90 #> # ... with 50 more rows #>