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ANOVA of Eberhart & Russel’s Model


er_anova(.data, .y, .rep, .gen, .env)

# Default S3 method
er_anova(.data, .y, .rep, .gen, .env)





Response Variable


Replication Factor


Genotypes Factor


Environment Factor


Additive ANOVA


Singh, R. K. and Chaudhary, B. D. (2004) Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetic Analysis. New Delhi: Kalyani.


  1. Muhammad Yaseen (

  2. Kent M. Edkridge (


Yield.er_anova <-
            .data = ge_data
          , .y    = Yield
          , .rep  = Rep
          , .gen  = Gen
          , .env  = Env
#> [[1]]
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: .data[[Y]]
#>            Df    Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
#> Env        10 263940496 26394050 68.0551 1.995e-08 ***
#> Rep(Env)   11   4266167   387833  3.9109 1.658e-05 ***
#> Gen        59  71662431  1214617 12.2482 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> Gen:Env   590 201336476   341248  3.4411 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> Residuals 649  64359568    99167                      
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> $er_anova
#>                      Df    Sum Sq   Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
#> Total               659 234771569    356254                      
#> Gen                  59   2133083     36154  0.4497  0.999871    
#> Env + (Gen x Env)   600 232638486    387731                      
#>   Env (linear)        1 131970248 131970248                      
#>   Gen x Env(linear)  59  57257951    970474 12.0722 < 2.2e-16 ***
#>   Pooled deviation  540  43410287     80389                      
#>     013BT034          9    471024     52336  1.0734  0.380296    
#>     122557            9    287034     31893  0.6541  0.750685    
#>     122559            9    899838     99982  2.0506  0.031866 *  
#>     12B.2511          9    800492     88944  1.8242  0.060823 .  
#>     12FJ26            9    686360     76262  1.5641  0.122229    
#>     14B.1030          9    668473     74275  1.5234  0.135661    
#>     14C036            9   1110265    123363  2.5301  0.007408 ** 
#>     14C040            9    722512     80279  1.6465  0.098562 .  
#>     9496              9    495207     55023  1.1285  0.339863    
#>     AUR0809           9    541979     60220  1.2351  0.270158    
#>     AUR0810           9    979857    108873  2.2330  0.018531 *  
#>     AZRC11            9    771590     85732  1.7583  0.072941 .  
#>     AZRC18            9    589136     65460  1.3426  0.211227    
#>     AZRC20            9   1050318    116702  2.3935  0.011344 *  
#>     BARDC1016         9    578318     64258  1.3179  0.223765    
#>     CT12176           9   1320714    146746  3.0097  0.001576 ** 
#>     DANI16            9    588746     65416  1.3417  0.211669    
#>     DN111             9    864812     96090  1.9708  0.040168 *  
#>     DN117             9    557660     61962  1.2708  0.249318    
#>     DN126             9    575662     63962  1.3119  0.226930    
#>     FAISALABAD08      9    896257     99584  2.0424  0.032635 *  
#>     IVI               9   1077549    119728  2.4556  0.009356 ** 
#>     IVII              9   1928363    214263  4.3945 1.353e-05 ***
#>     KT325             9    923816    102646  2.1052  0.027138 *  
#>     KT335             9    959688    106632  2.1870  0.021279 *  
#>     LOCAL CHECK       9    648921     72102  1.4788  0.151768    
#>     MSH3              9    541577     60175  1.2342  0.270708    
#>     NIBGE GANDUM3     9    763272     84808  1.7394  0.076811 .  
#>     NIBGE GANDUM4     9    183983     20443  0.4193  0.925128    
#>     NR443             9    556283     61809  1.2677  0.251098    
#>     NR448             9    602418     66935  1.3728  0.196605    
#>     NR487             9    529356     58817  1.2063  0.287854    
#>     NR488             9    439359     48818  1.0012  0.437501    
#>     NR491             9    690621     76736  1.5738  0.119205    
#>     NRL1123           9    774862     86096  1.7658  0.071467 .  
#>     NRL1206           9    715799     79533  1.6312  0.102626    
#>     NW181838          9    611492     67944  1.3935  0.187095    
#>     NW5201            9    890418     98935  2.0291  0.033926 *  
#>     PAKISTAN13        9    991699    110189  2.2599  0.017078 *  
#>     PR115             9    570781     63420  1.3007  0.232841    
#>     PR118             9    553769     61530  1.2620  0.254371    
#>     PR119             9    329640     36627  0.7512  0.661879    
#>     PR120             9    505853     56206  1.1528  0.323002    
#>     PR121             9    967924    107547  2.2058  0.020113 *  
#>     QS3               9   1144963    127218  2.6092  0.005769 ** 
#>     SD1013            9    930660    103407  2.1208  0.025915 *  
#>     SRN13121          9   1231054    136784  2.8054  0.003074 ** 
#>     TWS12155          9    326136     36237  0.7432  0.669305    
#>     TWS12245          9    474036     52671  1.0803  0.375101    
#>     TWS12464          9    432572     48064  0.9858  0.450346    
#>     UOS1              9    571017     63446  1.3013  0.232552    
#>     V12066            9    529175     58797  1.2059  0.288114    
#>     V13348            9   1202805    133645  2.7410  0.003785 ** 
#>     V14154            9    189614     21068  0.4321  0.917993    
#>     V14168            9    751301     83478  1.7121  0.082705 .  
#>     V14170            9    892534     99170  2.0340  0.033453 *  
#>     V14225            9    463652     51517  1.0566  0.393196    
#>     V14227            9    700835     77871  1.5971  0.112217    
#>     WBG14             9    467120     51902  1.0645  0.387096    
#>     WV1038            9    889119     98791  2.0262  0.034219 *  
#> Pooled error        660  32179784     48757                      
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1