\(\color{green}{\textit{Sampling}}\) \(\color{green}{\textit{Design & Analysis}}\) \(\color{green}{\textit{with Applications}}\)

\(\color{green}{\textit{Muhammad Yaseen}}\)



Population & Sample

Population & Sample

Population & Sample

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Population:}}\) Totality, aggregate, whole

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Sample:}}\) Part or subset of totality


  • \(\color{green}{\text{Parameter:}}\) Value characterizing the population
  • \(\color{green}{\text{Statistic:}}\) Value characterizing the sample

Sampling Methods

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Probability Sampling:}}\) Random selection of sample allowing to make strong statistical inferences about the population


  • \(\color{green}{\text{Non-probability Sampling:}}\) Non-Random selection of sample based on convenience or other criteria, allowing to easily collect data

Sampling Design

Sampling Design

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Sampling Design:}}\) The procedure by which the sample of units is selected from the population


  • \(\color{green}{\text{Sampling Frame:}}\) A list, map, or other specification of units in the population from which a sample may be selected

Probability Sampling

Probability Sampling

  • Each unit in the population has a known probability of selection
  • If implemented well, a relatively small sample can be used to make inferences about an arbitrarily large population
  • Examples:
    • \(\color{green}{\text{Simple Random Sampling}}\)
    • \(\color{green}{\text{Stratified Random Sampling}}\)
    • \(\color{green}{\text{Cluster Random Sampling}}\)
    • \(\color{green}{\text{Systematics Random Sampling}}\)

Framework of Probability Sampling

  • The finite population of \(N\) units is denoted by the index set \(\mathscr{\mathcal{U}}=\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,N\right\}\)

  • The particular sample of \(n\) units chosen is denoted by \(\mathscr{\mathcal{S}}\)

  • Each possible sample \(\mathscr{\mathcal{S}}\) from the population has a known probability \(P\mathscr{\left(\mathcal{S}\right)}\) of being chosen and \(\sum P\mathscr{\left(\mathcal{S}\right)}=1\)

  • Each possible sample has a known probability of being the chosen sample, each unit in the population has a known probability of appearing in our selected sample \(\pi_{i}=P\left(\text{unit }i\text{ in sample}\right)\), \(\pi_{i}\) is the probability that unit \(i\) is included in the sample.


  • Define the sampling weight, sometimes called the design weight, to be the reciprocal of the inclusion probability: \(w_{i}=\frac{1}{\pi_{i}}.\) The sampling weight of sampled unit \(i\) can be interpreted as the number of population units represented by unit \(i\).

Sampling Distributions

  • The distribution of different values of the statistic obtained by the process of taking all possible samples from the population

  • Want to estimate a population quantity, say the population total \(t=\sum_{i=1}^{N}y_{i}\)

  • One possible estimator for \(t\) is \(\widehat{t}_{\mathcal{S}}=N\overline{y}_{\mathcal{S}}\), where \(\overline{y}_{\mathcal{S}}\) is the average of the \(y_{i}\)s in \(\mathscr{\mathcal{S}}\)


  • The probabilities of selection for the samples give the sampling distribution of \(\widehat{t}\): \[ P\left\{ \widehat{t}=k\right\} =\sum_{\mathcal{S}:\widehat{t}_{\mathcal{S}}=k}P\left(\mathcal{S}\right)\] The summation is over all samples \(\mathscr{\mathcal{S}}\) for which \(\widehat{t}_{\mathcal{S}}=k\).

Sampling Distributions

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Expected Value}}\): \[E\left[\widehat{t}\right]=\sum_{\mathcal{S}}\widehat{t}_{\mathcal{S}}P\left(\mathcal{S}\right)=\sum_{k}kP\left(\widehat{t}=k\right)\]
  • \(\color{green}{\text{Estimation Bias}}\): \[\text{Bias}\left[\widehat{t}\right]=E\left[\widehat{t}\right]-t\] If \(\text{Bias}\left[\widehat{t}\right]=0\), the estimator \(\widehat{t}\) is unbiased for \(t\).

Sampling Distributions

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Variance}}\): \[V\left[\widehat{t}\right] =E\left[\left(\widehat{t}-E\left[\widehat{t}\right]\right)^{2}\right]\] \[V\left[\widehat{t}\right] =\sum_{\begin{smallmatrix}\text{all possible}\\ \text{samples }\mathcal{S} \end{smallmatrix}}P\left(\mathcal{S}\right)\left(\widehat{t}_{\mathcal{S}}-E\left[\widehat{t}\right]\right)^{2}\]
  • \(\color{green}{\text{Mean Squared Error}}\): \[\text{MSE}\left[\widehat{t}\right] =V\left(\widehat{t}\right)+\left[\text{Bias}\left(\widehat{t}\right)\right]^{2}\]

Sampling Distributions

  • An estimator \(\widehat{t}\) of \(t\) is unbiased if \(E\left[\widehat{t}\right]=t\), precise if \(V\left[\widehat{t}\right]=E\left[\left(\widehat{t}-E\left[\widehat{t}\right]\right)^{2}\right]\) is small, and accurate if \(\text{MSE}\left[\widehat{t}\right]=E\left[\left(\widehat{t}-t\right)^{2}\right]\) is small.
  • A badly biased estimator may be precise but it will not be accurate; accuracy (MSE) is how close the estimate is to the true value, while precision (variance) measures how close estimates from different samples are to each other.

Sampling Distributions

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Population Total}}\): \[t=\sum_{i=1}^{N}y_{i}\]

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Population Mean}}\): \[\overline{y}_{\mathcal{U}}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}y_{i}\]

Sampling Distributions

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Population Variance}}\): \[S^{2}=\frac{1}{N-1}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left(y_{i}-\overline{y}_{\mathcal{U}}\right)^{2}\]
  • \(\color{green}{\text{Population Proportion}}\): \[p=\frac{\text{number of units with the characteristic in the population}}{N}\]

Simple Random Sampling

Simple Random Sampling

Simple Random Sampling

  • A Simple Random Sample (SRS) is the simplest form of probability sample


  • An SRS of size \(n\) is taken when every possible subset of \(n\) units in the population has the same chance of being the sample


  • SRSs are the foundation for more complex sampling designs

Stratified Random Sampling

Stratified Random Sampling

Stratified Random Sampling

  • Divide the population into at least two different subgroups (or strata) that share the same characteristics


  • Select a SRS from each subgroup (or stratum) independently

Allocating Observations to Strata

  • \(\color{green}{n}\): Total Sample Size, from all Strata

  • \(\color{green}{n_{h}}\): Sample Size taken in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{N_{h}}\): Number of Population Units in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{S_{h}^2}\): Population Variance in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{C_{h}}\): Cost of taking an observation in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Proportional Allocation:}}\) \(n_{h}=n\times\frac{N_{h}}{\sum N_{h}}\)

Allocating Observations to Strata

  • \(\color{green}{n}\): Total Sample Size, from all Strata

  • \(\color{green}{n_{h}}\): Sample Size taken in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{N_{h}}\): Number of Population Units in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{S_{h}^2}\): Population Variance in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{C_{h}}\): Cost of taking an observation in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Neyman Allocation:}}\) \(n_{h}=n\times\frac{N_{h}\sqrt{S_{h}^{2}}}{\sum\left(N_{h}\sqrt{S_{h}^{2}}\right)}\)

Allocating Observations to Strata

  • \(\color{green}{n}\): Total Sample Size, from all Strata

  • \(\color{green}{n_{h}}\): Sample Size taken in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{N_{h}}\): Number of Population Units in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{S_{h}^2}\): Population Variance in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{C_{h}}\): Cost of taking an observation in Stratum \(h\)

  • \(\color{green}{\text{Optimal Allocation:}}\) \(n_{h}=n\times\frac{\frac{N_{h}\sqrt{S_{h}^{2}}}{\sqrt{C_{h}}}}{\sum\left(\frac{N_{h}\sqrt{S_{h}^{2}}}{\sqrt{C_{h}}}\right)}\)

Cluster Random Sampling

Cluster Random Sampling

Cluster Random Sampling

  • Divide the population area into sections (or clusters)


  • Randomly select some of those clusters


  • choose all the members from those selected clusters

Systematic Random Sampling

Systematic Random Sampling

  • A starting point \(r\), from \(1,\ldots , k\) \(\left(k = \frac{N}{n}\right)\), is chosen from a list of population members using a random number


  • That unit, and every \(k\)th unit thereafter, is chosen to be in the sample


  • A systematic sample thus consists of units that are equally spaced in the list


Simple Random Sampling (Population Mean)

  • \(\overline{y}_{\mathcal{S}}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i\in\mathcal{S}}y_{i}\)
  • \(\widehat{V\left(\overline{y}\right)}=\left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{s^{2}}{n}\)
  • \(s^{2}=\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i\in\mathcal{S}}\left(y_{i}-\overline{y}\right)^{2}\)


  • \(SE\left(\overline{y}\right)=\sqrt{\left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{s^{2}}{n}}\)

Simple Random Sampling (Population Total)

  • \(\widehat{t}=N\overline{y}\)
  • \(\widehat{V\left(\widehat{t}\right)}=N\widehat{V\left(\overline{y}\right)}=N^{2}\left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{s^{2}}{n}\)


  • \(SE\left(\widehat{t}\right)=\sqrt{N^{2}\left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{s^{2}}{n}}\)

Simple Random Sampling (Population Proportion)

  • \(\widehat{p}=\overline{y}\)
  • \(\widehat{V\left(\widehat{p}\right)}=\left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{\widehat{p}\left(1-\widehat{p}\right)}{n-1}\)


  • \(SE\left(\widehat{p}\right)=\sqrt{\left(1-\frac{n}{N}\right)\frac{\widehat{p}\left(1-\widehat{p}\right)}{n-1}}\)

Stratified Random Sampling (Population Mean)

  • \(\overline{y}_{\text{str}}=\sum_{h=1}^{H}\frac{N_{h}}{N}\overline{y_{h}}\)
  • \(\widehat{V\left(\overline{y}_{\text{str}}\right)}=\sum_{h=1}^{H}\left(1-\frac{n_{h}}{N_{h}}\right)\left(\frac{N_{h}}{N}\right)^{2}\frac{s_{h}^{2}}{n_{h}}\)


  • \(SE\left(\overline{y}_{\text{str}}\right)=\sqrt{\sum_{h=1}^{H}\left(1-\frac{n_{h}}{N_{h}}\right)\left(\frac{N_{h}}{N}\right)^{2}\frac{s_{h}^{2}}{n_{h}}}\)

Stratified Random Sampling (Population Total)

  • \(\widehat{t}_{\text{str}}=\sum_{h=1}^{H}N_{h}\overline{y_{h}}\)
  • \(\widehat{V\left(\widehat{t}_{\text{str}}\right)}=\sum_{h=1}^{H}\left(1-\frac{n_{h}}{N_{h}}\right)N_{h}^{2}\frac{s_{h}^{2}}{n_{h}}\)


  • \(SE\left(\overline{y}_{\text{str}}\right)=\sqrt{\sum_{h=1}^{H}\left(1-\frac{n_{h}}{N_{h}}\right)N_{h}^{2}\frac{s_{h}^{2}}{n_{h}}}\)

Stratified Random Sampling (Population Proportion)

  • \(\widehat{p}_{\text{str}}=\sum_{h=1}^{H}\frac{N_{h}}{N}\widehat{p}_{h}\)
  • \(\widehat{V\left(\widehat{p}_{\text{str}}\right)}=\sum_{h=1}^{H}\left(1-\frac{n_{h}}{N_{h}}\right)\left(\frac{N_{h}}{N}\right)^{2}\frac{\widehat{p}_{h}\left(1-\widehat{p}_{h}\right)}{n_{h}-1}\)


  • \(SE\left(\widehat{p}_{\text{str}}\right)=\sqrt{\sum_{h=1}^{H}\left(1-\frac{n_{h}}{N_{h}}\right)\left(\frac{N_{h}}{N}\right)^{2}\frac{\widehat{p}_{h}\left(1-\widehat{p}_{h}\right)}{n_{h}-1}}\)


Simple Random Sampling

SRSfm1 <-
  agsrs1 |> 
    ids          = 1
  , probs        = NULL
  , strata       = NULL
  , variables    = NULL
  , fpc          = fpc
  , nest         = FALSE
# , check_strata = !nest
  , weights      = Weight
  , pps          = FALSE
  , variance     = c("HT", "YG")

Simple Random Sampling

  • Population Mean
    • Average number of acres devoted to farms, 1992
297897 18898.43 260706.3 335087.8 357150824 0.0634395
  • Population Mean
    • Average number of acres devoted to farms, 1992 by Region
Region Mean SE LCL UCL Var CV
NC 350292.01 26985.37 297186.69 403397.33 728210378 0.0770368
NE 71970.83 12360.14 47646.95 96294.71 152772977 0.1717381
S 206246.35 23065.74 160854.60 251638.11 532028439 0.1118359
W 598680.59 77636.58 445897.25 751463.93 6027439196 0.1296795

Simple Random Sampling

  • Population Total
    • Total number of acres devoted to farms, 1992
916927110 58169381 802453859 1031400361 3.383677e+15 0.0634395
  • Population Total
    • Total number of acres devoted to farms, 1992 by Region
Region Total SE LCL UCL Var CV
NC 384557574 41022160 303828848 465286299 1.682818e+15 0.1066736
NE 17722098 4490614 8884885 26559311 2.016562e+13 0.2533907
S 275091387 35287421 205648224 344534549 1.245202e+15 0.1282753
W 239556051 46090457 148853274 330258829 2.124330e+15 0.1923995

Simple Random Sampling

  • Population Proportion
    • Proportion of the population that falls in each of multiple categories
lt2005 Mean SE LCL UCL Var CV
0 0.49 0.027465 0.4359508 0.5440492 0.0007543 0.0560510
1 0.51 0.027465 0.4559508 0.5640492 0.0007543 0.0538529
  • Population Proportion
    • Total of the population that falls in each of multiple categories
lt2005 Total SE LCL UCL Var CV
0 1508.22 84.53722 1341.857 1674.583 7146.542 0.0560510
1 1569.78 84.53722 1403.417 1736.143 7146.542 0.0538529

Simple Random Sampling

  • Population Proportion
    • Proportion of the population that falls in each of multiple categories
Region Mean SE LCL UCL Var CV
NC 0.3566667 0.0263176 0.3048756 0.4084578 0.0006926 0.0737875
NE 0.0800000 0.0149051 0.0506678 0.1093322 0.0002222 0.1863138
S 0.4333333 0.0272252 0.3797561 0.4869106 0.0007412 0.0628274
W 0.1300000 0.0184768 0.0936389 0.1663611 0.0003414 0.1421295

Simple Random Sampling

  • Population Proportion
    • Total of the population that falls in each of multiple categories
Region Total SE LCL UCL Var CV
NC 1097.82 81.00543 938.4070 1257.2330 6561.879 0.0737875
NE 246.24 45.87792 155.9555 336.5245 2104.784 0.1863138
S 1333.80 83.79917 1168.8891 1498.7109 7022.301 0.0628274
W 400.14 56.87169 288.2205 512.0595 3234.389 0.1421295

Stratified Random Sampling

Stratafm1 <-
  agstrat1 |> 
    ids          = 1
  , probs        = NULL
  , strata       = region
  , variables    = NULL
  , fpc          = popsize
  , nest         = FALSE
# , check_strata = !nest
  , weights      = strwt
  , pps          = FALSE
  , variance     = c("HT", "YG")

Stratified Random Sampling

  • Population Mean
    • Average number of acres devoted to farms, 1992
295560.8 16379.87 263325 327796.5 268300231 0.0554196
  • Population Mean
    • Average number of acres devoted to farms, 1992 by Region
Region Mean SE LCL UCL Var CV
NC 300504.16 16107.59 268804.25 332204.1 259454437 0.0536019
NE 97629.81 18149.49 61911.41 133348.2 329404127 0.1859011
S 211315.04 18925.35 174069.74 248560.3 358169038 0.0895599
W 662295.51 93403.65 478476.12 846114.9 8724242692 0.1410302

Stratified Random Sampling

  • Population Total
    • Total number of acres devoted to farms, 1992
909736035 50417248 810514350 1008957721 2.541899e+15 0.0554196
  • Population Total
    • Total number of acres devoted to farms, 1992 by Region
Region Total SE LCL UCL Var CV
NC 316731380 16977399 283319676 350143084 2.882321e+14 0.0536019
NE 21478558 3992889 13620510 29336606 1.594316e+13 0.1859011
S 292037391 26154840 240564386 343510397 6.840756e+14 0.0895599
W 279488706 39416342 201916922 357060491 1.553648e+15 0.1410302

Stratified Random Sampling

  • Population Proportion
    • Proportion of the population that falls in each of multiple categories
lt200k Mean SE LCL UCL Var CV
0 0.4860852 0.0247946 0.4372893 0.5348812 0.0006148 0.0510087
1 0.5139148 0.0247946 0.4651188 0.5627107 0.0006148 0.0482464
  • Population Proportion
    • Total of the population that falls in each of multiple categories
lt200k Total SE LCL UCL Var CV
0 1496.17 76.31765 1345.976 1646.364 5824.383 0.0510087
1 1581.83 76.31765 1431.636 1732.024 5824.383 0.0482464



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Ellis , G. F., T. Lumley, T. Żółtak, et al. (2022). srvyr: ‘dplyr’-Like Syntax for Summary Statistics of Survey Data. R Package Version 1.1.1. URL: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/srvyr/.

Lohr, S. L. (2022). Sampling: Design and Analysis. CRC Press.

Lu, Y. and S. Lohr (2021). SDAResources: Datasets and Functions for ‘Sampling: Design and Analysis, 3rd Edition’. R Package Version 0.1.1. URL: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SDAResources/.

References (Cont’d…)

Lumley, T. (2021). survey: Analysis of Complex Survey Samples. R Package Version 4.1.1. URL: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/survey/.

R Core Team (2022). R: A Language & Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria. URL: http://www.R-project.org/.

Thompson, S. K. (2012). Sampling. John Wiley & Sons.

Tillé, Y. and A. Matei (2021). sampling: Survey Sampling. R Package Version 2.9. URL: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sampling/.