Curriculum Vitae  

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Published articles and book chapters


  • Khalid, U. and Yaseen, M. (2023) Social Protection for Persons with Disabilities in Pakistan: Current Scenario and Contribution of BISP. Ahi Evran Akademi, 4(1), 75-93. Abstract  pdf


  • Yaseen, M., Kashif, M., Nazish, H. T., Munir, R., Iqbal, J., Usman, M., and Rabbani, G. (2022) Effect of Rain-Fed Conditions on Yield of Mash Bean Genepool by Using Augmented Design. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications. Abstract DOI
  • Al-Bouwarthan, M., AlMulla, A. A., and Yaseen, M. (2022) The impact of heat on kidney health: A PRISMA-compliant bibliometric analysis. Medicine, 101(36), e30328. Abstract DOI
  • Mubeen, A., Tanveer, A., Khaliq, A., and Yaseen, M. (2022) Exploiting the potential of weedy rice as value added silage under different nitrogen levels and cutting intervals. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 10(1), 93–103. Abstract DOI
  • Mehmood, K., Bao, Y., Saifullah, Bibi, S., Dahlawi, S., Yaseen, M., Abrar, M. M., Srivastava, P., Fahad, S., and Faraj, T. K. (2022) Contributions of Open Biomass Burning and Crop Straw Burning to Air Quality: Current Research Paradigm and Future Outlooks. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 854292. Abstract DOI


  • Bao, Y., Mehmood, K., Saifullah, Yaseen, M., Dahlawi, S., Abrar, M. M., Khan, M. A., Saud, S., Dawar, K., Fahad, S., and Kh.Faraj, T. (2021) Global research on the air quality status in response to the electrification of vehicles. Science of The Total Environment, 795, (3), 148861. Abstract DOI
  • Qasim, H., Ghazali, S. S. A., Yaseen, M., and Gul, H. (2021) Pensioners and their Time Use: A Case Study of District Rahimyar Khan, Pakistan. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15, (3), 1050-1060. Abstract
  • Chattha, W. S., Ahmad, H. B., Farooq, M. A., Shafqat, W., Yaseen, M., Ihsan, M. Z., Alghabari, F., and Alzamanan, S. M. (2021) A novel parent selection strategy for the development of drought-tolerant cotton cultivars. Plant Genetic Resources, 19, (4), 299-307. Abstract DOI
  • Gul, H., Ghazali, S. S. A., Yaseen, M., and Qasim, H. (2021) A Study on Time Use of Nurses and Paramedical Staff, Working in Public Hospitals of District Rahim Yar Khan, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15, (3), 931-944. Abstract
  • Haq, M. E. ul, Kamran, M., Sahib, A., Yaseen, M., Anwar, M. F., Abbas, H., Chand, S. A., Hameed, A., Rashid, A., Khan, Q. A. T., Shahbaz, M. U., Abbas, W., and Ali, S. (2021) Nitrogen application accelerates the downy mildew disease severity with leaf age in canola plants. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 54, (19-20), 1569-1577. Abstract DOI
  • Jamil, S., Shahzad, R., Rahman, S. U., Iqbal, M. Z., Yaseen, M., Ahmad, S., and Fatima, R. (2021) The level of Cry1Ac endotoxin and its efficacy against H. armigera in Bt cotton at large scale in Pakistan. GM Crops and Food, 12, (1), 1-17. Abstract DOI
  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2021) PakPMICS2014Wm: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Women Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Fatma, S., Sabir, M., Aziz, T., Ahmad, H. R., Yaseen, M., Rehman, M. Z. ur, and Hakeem, K. R. (2021) Comparison of Fine and Coarse Rice Varieties for Nickel Accumulation and Growth Response at Different Levels of Nickel. CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water, 49, (6), 2000336. Abstract DOI
  • Chishti, S. A. S., Hassan, A., Ahmad, M., Nadeem, K., Shabbir, R. H., Iqbal, M., Yaseen, M., Najeebulla, M. (2021) Effect of repeated pollination on tomato hybrid seed yield under field conditions. J. Agric. Res., 59(2), 127-132. Abstract
  • Yaseen, M. and Eskridge, K. M. (2021) DiallelAnalysisR: Diallel Analysis with R. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Shah, D., Hussain, K. S., Khan, M. I., Yaseen, M., Kakli, M. B., Piracha, Z. F., Zia, M. A., and Javed, M. I. (2021) Pakistan Education Statistics 2017-18. National Education Management Information System (NEMIS), Academy of Educational Planning & Management (AEPAM), Islamabad, Pakistan, ISBN 978-969-444-115-3, . Abstract  pdf


  • Ahmad, M., Chand, S., Yaseen, M. (2020) High resolution Bayesain Spatio-Temporal precipitation modelling in Pakistan for the appraisal of trends. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 57(6), 1669-1680. Abstract
  • Yaseen, M. and Ullah, S. (2020) eda4treeR: Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement.. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Bashir, M. R., Yaseen, M., Mahmood, A., Din, A. M. ud, and Khan, Q. A. T. (2020) Adaptability trials of sesame germplasm against macrophomina phaseolina (tassi) goid by using ammi biplot analysis in Pakistan. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 23 851-856. Abstract DOI
  • Jameel, H. T., Panatik, S. A., Nabeel, T., Sarwar, F., Yaseen, M., Jokerst, T., and Faiz, Z. (2020) Observed social support and willingness for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 23, 193-201. Abstract DOI
  • Chattha, W. S., Shakeel, A., Iqbal, M., Yaseen, M., Amin, M., and Mahmood, N. (2020) Quantifying the Effect of Water Deficit on Cotton Genotypes Using Agro-physiological and Biochemical Parameters. Journal of Natural Fibers, 18, 12. 2021. Abstract DOI
  • Yaseen, M. Ullah, S., and Haider, G. (2020) SupMZ: Detecting Structural Change with Heteroskedasticity. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf


  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2019) PakPMICS2018mm: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Maternal Mortality Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2019) PakPMICS2018mn: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Men Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2019) PakPMICS2018fs: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Children Age 5-17 Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2019) PakPMICS2018hh: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. Ullah, S., and Haider, G. (2019) PakPMICS2018bh: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2017-18 Birth History of Children Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Edmondson, R., Piepho, H.-P., and Yaseen, M. (2019) agriTutorial: Tutorial Analysis of Some Agricultural Experiments. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Nadeem, A. (2019) dmai: Divisia Monetary Aggregates Index. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Bashir, M. R., Mahmood, A., Atiq, M., Yaseen, M., Rajput, N. A., Aftab, M., Din, A. M. U., Mohsan, M., and Khan, Q. A. T. (2019) Assessment of genetic variability in mustard against alternaria leaf spot disease through natural field conditions. Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology, 31, 02, 211-216. Abstract


  • Yaseen, M. , Aslam, M., Ullah, S., Azam, M., Jun, C.-H., and Kashif, M. (2018) qccrs: Quality Control Charts under Repetitive Sampling. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. , Aslam, M., Ullah, S., and Kashif, M. (2018) rgsp: Repetitive Group Sampling Plan Based on Cpk. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M., Jarquin, D., Perez-Elizalde, S., Burgueno, J., and Crossa, J. (2018) baystability: Bayesian Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI).. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Eskridge, K. M. (2018) stability: Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI). The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Dilber, M. A. (2018) ppcSpatial: Spatial Analysis of Pakistan Population Census. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Saleem, S., Munir, R. and Yaseen, M. (2018) Empirical Comparison of Partial Least Squares, Principal Component and Ridge Regression in the presence of multicollinearity. 16-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Islamia College, Peshawar, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Jabeen, S., Usman, M., and Yaseen, M. (2018) Factors affecting C-section deliveries in Punjab. 16-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Islamia College, Peshawar, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Yaseen, M. and Ullah, S. (2018) gvcR: Genotypic Variance Components. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Dilber, M. A. (2018) PakPC2017: Pakistan Population Census 2017. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf


  • Murtaza, G., Murtaza, B., Kahlon, U. Z., and Yaseen, M. (2017) A Comparative Study of Different Amendments on Amelioration of Saline-Sodic Soils Irrigated with Water Having Different EC: SAR Ratios. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(22), 2630-2641. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Jameel, H. T., Nabeel, T., and Yaseen, M. (2017) Effects of training for in-hand manipulation on legibility of Urdu handwriting. Journal of Inclusive Education, 1, 7-18. Abstract
  • Ishaq, K., Iqbal, M. F., Younas, M., Yaqoo, M., Ahmed, T., Yaseen, M., and Hashim, M. M. (2017) ffect of source of procurement of milk on the composition of milk supplied in Rawalpindi city. The Rizing Nation. Abstract
  • Yaseen, M. and Dilber, M. A. (2017) PSLM2015: Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey 2014-15. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M., Duchateau, L., Janssen, P., and Rowlands, J. (2017) VetResearchLMM: Linear Mixed Models- An Introduction with Applications in Veterinary Research.. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2017) PakPMICS2014Ch: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Child Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2017) PakPMICS2014HH: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Yaseen, M. and Usman, M. (2017) PakPMICS2014HL: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Household Listing Questionnaire Data for Punjab, Pakistan. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf


  • Raza, M. M., Khan, M. A., Yaseen, M., Munawar, A., and Sabir, Z. (2016) Exploring the Potential of Multivariate Analysis to Study the Impact of Cotton Leaf Curl Disease on Yield Traits. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 53(3), 339–347. Abstract
  • Aslam, M., Maqbool, M. A., Yaseen, M., and Qamar-U-Zaman (2016) AMMI Biplot analysis for comparative evaluation of maize genotypes under different saline environments. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 52(2), 339–347. Abstract
  • Yaseen, M., Munawar, A., Stroup, W. W., and Eskridge, K. M. (2016) StroupGLMM: R Codes and Datasets for Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications by Walter W. Stroup. The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). Abstract  pdf
  • Zafar, H., Arif, M., and Yaseen, M. (2016) An Empirical Investigation of Economic Variables of Pakistan by Using Autoregressive Distributed LAG Model. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan, 29, 203-214. Abstract
  • Shafiq, F., Arif, M., and Yaseen, M. (2016) Impulse Response Function Analysis: An Application to Macroeconomic Data of Pakistan. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan, 29, 67-76. Abstract
  • Batool, Z. and Yaseen, M. (2016) Time Series Analysis and Forecasting of Water Reservoir in Pakistan. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan, 29, 195-202. Abstract


  • Naveed, M., Saifullah, Bibi, S., Yaseen, M., and Murtaza, G. (2015) Grain Cadmium concentration decreased in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) while managing different Water Regimes. International Conference on Soil Sustainability for Food Security, Univ. of Agri., Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Ansari, T. M., Hanif, M. A., Rasool, T., Ali, M., Nadeem, R., and Yaseen, M. (2015) Reclamation of wastewater containing Cu(II) using alginated Mentha spicata biomass. Desalination & Water Treatment, 57 (2016), 10700-10709. Abstract DOI
  • Tanveer, A., Javaid, M. M., Irfan, M., Khaliq, A, Yaseen, M.. (2015) Yield Losses in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) with Varying Densities of Euphorbia dracunculoides L.. Weed Science, 63 (2), 522-528. Abstract DOI
  • Fatima, K., Khan, M. A., Raza, M. M.,Yaseen, M., Iqbal, M. A., and Shahbaz, M. (2015) Identification of resistant source in lentil germplasm against Fusarium wilt in relation to environmental factors. Academic Research Journal of Agricultural Science & Research , 3 (4), 60-70. Abstract DOI
  • Aslam, M., Maqbool, M. A., Yaseen, M.,, and Qamar-U-Zaman (2015) AMMI Biplot analysis for comparative evaluation of maize genotypes under different saline environments. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2 (10), 339-347. Abstract
  • Jabran, K., Ullah, E., Hussain, M., Farooq, M., Zaman, U,Yaseen, M., Chauhan, B. S. (2015) Mulching Improves Water Productivity, Yield and Quality of Fine Rice under Water-saving Rice Production Systems. Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science , 201 (2015), 389-400. Abstract DOI


  • Novacek, M. J., Mason, S. C., Galusha, T. D., Yaseen, M.. (2014) Bt transgenes minimally influence maize grain yield and lodging across plant populations. Maydica, 59 (1), 90-95. Abstract
  • Saleem, S. and Yaseen, M. (2014) Modeling Survival Rates of Cardiovascular Patients in Faisalabad. 12-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan, 26, 397-402. Abstract
  • Batool, S. and Yaseen, M. (2014) Spatial Analysis of Hepatitis C Epidemiology in Faisalabad District. 12-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. , 26 , 391-396. Abstract
  • Yaseen, M. Yaseen, M., Griess, J. K., Mason, S. C., and Jackson, D. S. (2014) Potential use of GGE Bi-plot analysis to evaluate white Sorghum grain attributes for end uses. Pak. J. Agri. Sci, 51 (1), 263-271. Abstract


  • Lum, A., Albrecht, J. A., Yaseen, M. Yaseen, Litchfield, R., and Ritter-Gooder. (2013) Food-handling Practices and Knowledge among Families with Young Children. Food Protection Trends, 33 (6) 358-375. Abstract
  • Jabran, K., Ali, A., Sattar, A., Ali, Z., Yaseen, M. Mubshir, H., Iqbl, J., and Munir, M. K. (2013) Cultural, mechanical and chemical weed control in wheat. Crop & Environment,3 (1-2), 50-53. Abstract
  • Shahzad, M. W., Razaq, M., Hussain, A., Yaseen, M. , Afzal, M., and Mehmood, M. K. (2013) Yield and Yield Components of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) affected by Aphid feeding and sowing time at Multan, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 45 (6), 2005-2011. Abstract
  • Zakria, M., Yaseen, M. Muhammad, F., and Mahmood, S. (2013) Modelling Fertility Patterns of Pakistan during 1984-2007. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 29 (4), 479-486. Abstract
  • Novacek, M. J., Mason, S. C., Galusha, T. D. and Yaseen, M. (2013) Twin Rows Minimally Impact Irrigated Maize Yield, Morphology, and Lodging. Agronomy Journal, 105 (1), 268-276. Abstract DOI


  • Zakria, M, Yaseen, M., Muhammad, F., and Mahmood, J. (2012) Modelling the Age Specific Fertility Rates of Rural and Urban Areas of Pakistan During 1984-2007. Proc. ICCS-12, Doha, Qatar , 23, 607-618. Abstract
  • Masood, M. A., Raza, I., and Yaseen, M. (2012) Estimation of Optimum Field Plot Size and Shape in Paddy Yield Trial. Pakistan J. Agric. Res., 25 (4), 280-287. Abstract
  • McFarland, K. K., Reinhardt, J. W., and Yaseen, M. (2012) Rural dentists Does growing up in a small community matter?. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 143 (9), 1013-1019. Abstract


  • McFarland, K., Salama, F., and Yaseen, M. (2011) Access to Dental Care for Rural Children: A Survey of Nebraska General Dentists. The Journal of Rural Health, 27 (2), 205-210. Abstract DOI
  • Griess, J., Mason, S., Jackson, D., Galusha, T., Pedersen, J., and Yaseen, M. (2011) Environment and Hybrid Influences on Rapid-Visco-Analysis Flour Properties of Food-Grade Grain Sorghum?. Crop Science, 9 (2011), 1013-1019. Abstract DOI
  • Yamin, M., Tahir, A., Nasir, A., and Yaseen, M. (2011) Studying the impact of farm mechanization on wheat production in Punjab-Pakistan. Soil & Environment, 30 (2), 151-154. Abstract


  • McFarland, K., Reinhardt, J., and Yaseen, M. (2010) Rural Dentists of the Future: Dental School Enrollment Strategies. Journal of Dental Education, 74 (8), 830-835. Abstract DOI
  • Griess, J., Mason, S., Jackson, D., Galusha, T., Yaseen, M. and Pedersen, J. (2010) Environment and Hybrid Influences on Food-Grade Sorghum Grain Yield and Hardness. Crop Science, 50 (4), 1480-1489. Abstract DOI
  • Saddiqi, H. A., Iqbal, Z., Khan, M. N., Sarwar, M., Muhammad, G., Yaseen, M. and Jabbar, A. (2010) Evaluation of three Pakistani sheep breeds for their natural resistance to artificial infection of Haemonchus contortus.. Veterinary Parasitology, 168 (2010), 141-145. Abstract DOI


  • Saeed, M., Iqbal, Z., Jabbar, A., Masood, S., Babar, W., Saddiqi, H., Yaseen, M. M., Sarwar, M., and Arshad,M. (2009) Multiple anthelmintic resistance and the possible contributory factors in Beetal goats in an irrigated area (Pakistan). Research in Veterinary Science, 88 (10), 267-272. Abstract DOI
  • Arshad, M., Suhail, A., Gogi, Yaseen, M. M., Asghar, M., Tayyib, M., Karar, H., Hafeez, F., and Ullah, U. (2009) Farmers' perceptions of insect pests and pest management practices in Bt cotton in the Punjab, Pakistan. International Journal of Pest Management , 55 (1), 1-10. Abstract DOI


  • Yasmeen, F., Mahmood, S., Hassan, M., Akhtar, N., and Yaseen, M. (2008) Comparative productive performance and egg characteristics of pullets and spent layers. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 28 (1), 5-8. Abstract
  • Saifullah, Ghafoor, A., Sabir, M., Zia-Ur-Rehman, M., and Yaseen, M.. (2008) Removal of Lead from Calcareous Contaminated Soils by Organic Acids. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 10 (2), 173-178. Abstract


  • Nadeem, M., Khan, M., Iqbal, Z., Sajid, M., Arshad, M., and Yaseen, M. (2007) Determinants influencing prevalence of louse infestations on layers of District Faisalabad (Pakistan). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 44 (1), 12-15. Abstract DOI
  • Jabbar, A., Zaman, M., Iqbal, Z., Yaseen, M. and Shamim, A. (2007) Anthelmintic activity of Chenopodium album (L.) and Caesalpinia crista (L.) against trichostrongylid nematodes of sheep. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 114 (1), 86-91. Abstract DOI
  • Raza, M. A., Iqbal, Z., Jabbar, A., and Yaseen, M. (2007) Point prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthiasis in ruminants in southern Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Helminthology, 81 (3), 323-328. Abstract DOI
  • Malik, M. A., Iqbal, Z., Javed, A., Malik, N. A., Munir, I., Ahmad, M., Bashir, T., and Yaseen, M. (2007) Alpha-Adrenergic Blocker (Doxazosin): Role in Medical Management of Ureteric Stone. Saudi German Hospitals Medical Journal, 2 (1), 30-35. Abstract
  • Munir, M., Malik, M., and Yaseen, M. (2007) Performance of suflower in response to nitrogen management at different stages. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 44 (1), 12-15. Abstract


  • Iqbal, Z., Sarwar, M., Jabbar, A., Ahmed, S., Nisa, M., Sajid, M., Khan, M., Mufti, K., and Yaseen, M. (2006) Direct and indirect anthelmintic effects of condensed tannins in sheep. Veterinary Parasitology, 144 (2007), 125-131. Abstract DOI


  • Yaseen, M., M., Zakria, M., Shahzad, I., Khan, M., and Javed, M. (2005) Modeling and forecasting the sugarcane yield of Pakistan. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 7 (2), 180-183. Abstract

Unpublished working papers


  • Jabeen, S., Usman, M., and Yaseen, M. (2018) Factors affecting C-section deliveries in Punjab. Abstract


  • Ishaq, K., Younas, M., Yaseen, M. Ali, M., and Riaz, M. (2017) Effect of physical form of feed and addition of live yeast culture (saccharomyces cerevisiae) on the growth performance and carcass traits of beetal male kids under high input feeding system. 2017 International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science, Lahore, Pakistan. Abstract


  • Batool, Z. and Yaseen, M. (2016) Time Series Analysis and Forecasting of Water Reservoir in Pakistan. Abstract
  • Nazir, N. and Yaseen, M. (2016) Assessing the In-control Robustness of Progressive Mean Control Chart. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Khan, U. W., Yaseen, M. and Arif, M. (2016) Bayesian Approach: An Alternative of Additive Main effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model for Genotype-by-Environment Interaction (GEI). 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Irfan, M. and Yaseen, M. (2016) Bayesian network for modeling relationships among variables of neonatal sepsis. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Jameel, H. T., Nabeel, T., and Yaseen, M. (2016) Development of a Tool for the Assessment of English and Urdu Handwriting. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Lodhi, T. S. and Yaseen, M. (2016) Drought Forecasting using Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models and Artificial Neural Networks. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Munawar, A., Arif, M., Yaseen, M. Ullah, S., and Ahmad, H. R. (2016) Interpolating CD Metal in Soil Using Spatial Techniques in Metropolis Areas of Faisalabad. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract
  • Khan, S., Yaseen, M., Idress, N., and Ghamkhar, M. (2016) Structural Equation Modeling to study the relationship of Cotton fiber traits. 14-th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract