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Calcuates Genotype by Environment Interaction Variances


# Default S3 method
ge_var(.data, .y, .gen, .env)





Response Variable


Genotypes Factor


Environment Factor


Genotype by Environment Interaction Variances


Perez-Elizalde, S., Jarquin, D., and Crossa, J. (2011) A General Bayesian Estimation Method of Linear–Bilinear Models Applied to Plant Breeding Trials With Genotype × Environment Interaction. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 17, 15–37. (doi:10.1007/s13253-011-0063-9)


  1. Muhammad Yaseen (


    .data  = cultivo2008
   , .y    = y
   , .gen  = entry
   , .env  = site
#> $ge_variances
#>               1         2           3          4          5         6         7
#>  [1,]  61425.81 701524.87  661420.550 1850918.66  725412.26 5263567.2 1244198.0
#>  [2,]  64514.68 248366.91  218696.080 1049194.99 1722091.23 1069289.1   74165.5
#>  [3,] 944401.25 117670.91 1778058.895  179074.17 1137421.28  165525.0  501337.2
#>  [4,]  15663.85 391002.87  742941.681  295230.38   65231.42  249181.1  391441.6
#>  [5,] 128173.92 213843.57  107972.350 1052812.54 1083430.25 3666313.0  697360.3
#>  [6,] 459663.21  53372.64  873376.668  627988.40  747537.01  539994.9 3063675.1
#>  [7,] 873304.51  56795.07  836493.317   94146.38  199078.09 2810844.6 4355701.5
#>  [8,] 182141.72  23114.52 1362013.461   57083.23 1369697.24 7738687.3  255963.3
#>  [9,] 271064.30 140351.01   75466.341 3218781.03 1342887.64 2334583.6  374191.7
#> [10,]  53334.39 346514.32   15388.045  757505.06  684629.96  160089.6  400416.3
#> [11,] 236500.22 462844.01  593810.483  142482.10 3061030.88 2214399.2  662141.9
#> [12,] 276006.19 126531.36    5820.995  521353.42 1092842.11  431362.8  469243.0
#>                8          9          10         11         12           13
#>  [1,]  746795.61  37043.278 1056429.038 1415365.78 1703327.28     10.84558
#>  [2,] 1380749.18  17858.801  829582.000  151821.24  314424.53    376.71461
#>  [3,] 1444812.27  71238.601  566414.701 2972757.88  130084.86 105761.39948
#>  [4,] 2872540.77   7060.211   52797.198 1101928.37  478506.53    740.21116
#>  [5,]  271757.52  13950.669    4857.893   34282.22  325918.14 111175.54893
#>  [6,]  810781.29  21766.791   93337.552 1101928.37 1146197.22 117097.23871
#>  [7,]   59847.42  21685.774 2545847.498  543618.00   45262.06 126971.12682
#>  [8,] 3941464.33  39334.625  397278.342   14692.38 2158816.40   1906.11152
#>  [9,] 4101050.76 116919.554  819705.753  357514.54  579058.20    303.67638
#> [10,] 2364163.17  84551.441  732858.650   19589.84  212163.19    401.28663
#> [11,] 1339841.94  67929.552  613896.345 1782675.24 2098453.37   1182.16876
#> [12,] 1283275.41 102900.788 2234825.852  842363.02  350353.52 124027.22827
#>              14        15         16         17         18        19
#>  [1,]  96891.97  24294.89  285428.47  210590.76  667647.37  327725.0
#>  [2,] 182937.47  41367.27  660695.77  102846.65  262485.09 2882657.4
#>  [3,]  48835.85  22179.56  226417.70  372206.92  638386.33  541013.4
#>  [4,] 253721.38 298630.36  355284.61 1209672.48  620524.98 1581815.0
#>  [5,] 142790.48  77774.23 2685992.86  764003.67   46182.61 2089373.2
#>  [6,]  81741.72 182074.84 2183916.69   78359.35  449161.85 2537752.5
#>  [7,] 805351.06 147175.82 2075852.45  533823.08 2127497.99 2452503.1
#>  [8,]  32750.21  28526.07   14802.38   93051.73  290643.37  573784.1
#>  [9,] 814266.37 105235.11  889781.38  102846.65  135156.55  866108.2
#> [10,] 214114.68  27531.91  252336.86  543618.00  529177.62 1648279.9
#> [11,] 127135.81 249224.08 2295186.36  475053.57  144973.26  146309.0
#> [12,]  55232.83 114841.38 2031787.16  719926.54  708393.20  185754.7
#>                20         21        22         23         24       25
#>  [1,] 1650443.832  768901.13  625896.7 6080673.00  548496.26 13497674
#>  [2,]  959902.050 1337006.43 1624881.2  482315.95  445653.21 22121958
#>  [3,]  896235.078  827670.65  233953.0  536523.43  543598.97  5070735
#>  [4,] 1268441.995  607284.97 1152362.4  447392.05  739490.49  3030092
#>  [5,]  827670.646   14692.38  256723.5  698453.65  298734.57  8297885
#>  [6,] 1954086.318  122436.49 1248515.8 2101038.92  631750.16 14521554
#>  [7,]  651362.105 1121518.21  732072.6  744604.36 3677863.31 20156686
#>  [8,]  298745.026 2879706.15  749268.7  193667.63  607263.72 14278117
#>  [9,]    4897.460  607284.97 1275327.1 1799332.47   58767.46  9340925
#> [10,] 1092133.455  210590.76 4401301.7   11125.74 3035094.26  6382585
#> [11,]    4897.459  857055.40  601661.4  272807.97 1777715.56  2283273
#> [12,]  102846.648  254667.89  407642.8  408840.09 1062711.50  3424458