Examp3.3 is used for inspecting probability distribution and to define a plausible process through linear models and generalized linear models.
Duchateau, L. and Janssen, P. and Rowlands, G. J. (1998).Linear Mixed Models. An Introduction with applications in Veterinary Research. International Livestock Research Institute.
#------------------------------------------------------------- ## Example 3.3 Model 1 p-88 #------------------------------------------------------------- # PROC MIXED DATA=ex33; # CLASS breed animal_id; # MODEL pcv = breed breed*time/SOLUTION; # RANDOM animal_id(breed)/SOLUTION; # RUN; library(lme4) options(contrasts = c(factor = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly")) str(ex33)#> 'data.frame': 168 obs. of 4 variables: #> $ animal_id: Factor w/ 12 levels "BO1","BO209",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... #> $ breed : Factor w/ 2 levels "BO","ND": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... #> $ time : int 0 2 4 7 9 14 17 18 21 23 ... #> $ PCV : num 36.2 35.9 35.3 35.4 35.4 31.5 25.5 34.4 34.1 25.8 ...fm3.5 <- lme4::lmer( formula = PCV ~ breed + breed:time + (1|animal_id:breed) , data = ex33 , REML = TRUE , control = lmerControl() , start = NULL , verbose = 0L # , subset # , weights # , na.action # , offset , contrasts = list(breed = "contr.SAS") , devFunOnly = FALSE # , ... ) summary(fm3.5)#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] #> Formula: PCV ~ breed + breed:time + (1 | animal_id:breed) #> Data: ex33 #> #> REML criterion at convergence: 782.8 #> #> Scaled residuals: #> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max #> -2.7450 -0.4937 0.1392 0.6072 2.7366 #> #> Random effects: #> Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. #> animal_id:breed (Intercept) 5.523 2.350 #> Residual 4.943 2.223 #> Number of obs: 168, groups: animal_id:breed, 12 #> #> Fixed effects: #> Estimate Std. Error t value #> (Intercept) 35.05944 1.05883 33.112 #> breedBO -0.83452 1.49743 -0.557 #> breedBO:time -0.41434 0.02247 -18.440 #> breedND:time -0.27590 0.02242 -12.307 #> #> Correlation of Fixed Effects: #> (Intr) bredBO brdBO: #> breedBO -0.707 #> breedBO:tim 0.000 -0.252 #> breedND:tim -0.356 0.251 0.000anova(fm3.5)#> Analysis of Variance Table #> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value #> breed 1 24.96 24.96 5.0507 #> breed:time 2 2429.25 1214.63 245.7448library(lmerTest) fm3.6 <- lmerTest::lmer( formula = PCV ~ breed + breed:time + (1|animal_id:breed) , data = ex33 , REML = TRUE , control = lmerControl() , start = NULL , verbose = 0L # , subset # , weights # , na.action # , offset , contrasts = list(breed = "contr.SAS") , devFunOnly = FALSE # , ... ) summary(fm3.6)#> Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [ #> lmerModLmerTest] #> Formula: PCV ~ breed + breed:time + (1 | animal_id:breed) #> Data: ex33 #> #> REML criterion at convergence: 782.8 #> #> Scaled residuals: #> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max #> -2.7450 -0.4937 0.1392 0.6072 2.7366 #> #> Random effects: #> Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. #> animal_id:breed (Intercept) 5.523 2.350 #> Residual 4.943 2.223 #> Number of obs: 168, groups: animal_id:breed, 12 #> #> Fixed effects: #> Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|) #> (Intercept) 35.05944 1.05883 13.08757 33.112 5.24e-14 *** #> breedBO -0.83452 1.49743 13.08836 -0.557 0.587 #> breedBO:time -0.41434 0.02247 154.00045 -18.440 < 2e-16 *** #> breedND:time -0.27590 0.02242 154.00011 -12.307 < 2e-16 *** #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 #> #> Correlation of Fixed Effects: #> (Intr) bredBO brdBO: #> breedBO -0.707 #> breedBO:tim 0.000 -0.252 #> breedND:tim -0.356 0.251 0.000anova(object = fm3.6, ddf = "Satterthwaite")#> Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method #> Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F) #> breed 1.54 1.54 1 13.088 0.3106 0.5867 #> breed:time 2429.25 1214.63 2 154.000 245.7448 <2e-16 *** #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1# PROC MIXED DATA=ex33; # CLASS breed animal_id; # MODEL pcv = breed breed*time/SOLUTION; # REPEATED/TYPE=CS SUB = animal_id(breed) R; # RUN; library(nlme)#> #>#>#> #>fm3.7 <- nlme::gls( model = PCV ~ breed + breed:time , data = ex33 , correlation = corCompSymm(, form = ~ 1|animal_id/breed) , weights = NULL # , subset = , method = "REML" # c("REML", "ML") , na.action = na.fail , control = list() ) summary(fm3.7)#> Generalized least squares fit by REML #> Model: PCV ~ breed + breed:time #> Data: ex33 #> AIC BIC logLik #> 794.8318 813.431 -391.4159 #> #> Correlation Structure: Compound symmetry #> Formula: ~1 | animal_id/breed #> Parameter estimate(s): #> Rho #> 0.5277216 #> #> Coefficients: #> Value Std.Error t-value p-value #> (Intercept) 35.05944 1.0588267 33.11160 0.0000 #> breedBO -0.83452 1.4974299 -0.55730 0.5781 #> breedBO:time -0.41434 0.0224703 -18.43951 0.0000 #> breedND:time -0.27590 0.0224172 -12.30747 0.0000 #> #> Correlation: #> (Intr) bredBO brdBO: #> breedBO -0.707 #> breedBO:time 0.000 -0.252 #> breedND:time -0.356 0.251 0.000 #> #> Standardized residuals: #> Min Q1 Med Q3 Max #> -2.0924486 -0.6122067 -0.1882516 0.6971169 2.6510489 #> #> Residual standard error: 3.235044 #> Degrees of freedom: 168 total; 164 residualanova(fm3.7)#> Denom. DF: 164 #> numDF F-value p-value #> (Intercept) 1 1700.0770 <.0001 #> breed 1 5.0507 0.0259 #> breed:time 2 245.7448 <.0001# PROC MIXED DATA=ex33; # CLASS breed animal_id; # MODEL pcv = time breed breed*time/SOLUTION; # RANDOM animal_id(breed)/SOLUTION; # RUN; fm3.8 <- lme4::lmer( formula = PCV ~ time + breed + breed:time + (1|animal_id:breed) , data = ex33 , REML = TRUE , control = lmerControl() , start = NULL , verbose = 0L # , subset # , weights # , na.action # , offset , contrasts = list(breed = "contr.SAS") , devFunOnly = FALSE # , ... ) summary(fm3.8)#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] #> Formula: PCV ~ time + breed + breed:time + (1 | animal_id:breed) #> Data: ex33 #> #> REML criterion at convergence: 782.8 #> #> Scaled residuals: #> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max #> -2.7450 -0.4937 0.1392 0.6072 2.7366 #> #> Random effects: #> Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. #> animal_id:breed (Intercept) 5.523 2.350 #> Residual 4.943 2.223 #> Number of obs: 168, groups: animal_id:breed, 12 #> #> Fixed effects: #> Estimate Std. Error t value #> (Intercept) 35.05944 1.05883 33.112 #> time -0.27590 0.02242 -12.307 #> breedBO -0.83452 1.49743 -0.557 #> time:breedBO -0.13844 0.03174 -4.362 #> #> Correlation of Fixed Effects: #> (Intr) time bredBO #> time -0.356 #> breedBO -0.707 0.251 #> time:bredBO 0.251 -0.706 -0.356anova(fm3.8)#> Analysis of Variance Table #> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value #> time 1 2335.02 2335.02 472.4249 #> breed 1 25.16 25.16 5.0904 #> time:breed 1 94.03 94.03 19.0249fm3.9 <- lmerTest::lmer( formula = PCV ~ time + breed + breed:time + (1|animal_id:breed) , data = ex33 , REML = TRUE , control = lmerControl() , start = NULL , verbose = 0L # , subset # , weights # , na.action # , offset , contrasts = list(breed = "contr.SAS") , devFunOnly = FALSE # , ... ) summary(fm3.9)#> Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [ #> lmerModLmerTest] #> Formula: PCV ~ time + breed + breed:time + (1 | animal_id:breed) #> Data: ex33 #> #> REML criterion at convergence: 782.8 #> #> Scaled residuals: #> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max #> -2.7450 -0.4937 0.1392 0.6072 2.7366 #> #> Random effects: #> Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. #> animal_id:breed (Intercept) 5.523 2.350 #> Residual 4.943 2.223 #> Number of obs: 168, groups: animal_id:breed, 12 #> #> Fixed effects: #> Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|) #> (Intercept) 35.05944 1.05883 13.08757 33.112 5.24e-14 *** #> time -0.27590 0.02242 154.00011 -12.307 < 2e-16 *** #> breedBO -0.83452 1.49743 13.08836 -0.557 0.587 #> time:breedBO -0.13844 0.03174 154.00028 -4.362 2.35e-05 *** #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 #> #> Correlation of Fixed Effects: #> (Intr) time bredBO #> time -0.356 #> breedBO -0.707 0.251 #> time:bredBO 0.251 -0.706 -0.356anova(object = fm3.9, ddf = "Satterthwaite", type = 3)#> Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method #> Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F) #> time 2337.43 2337.43 1 154.000 472.9112 < 2.2e-16 *** #> breed 1.54 1.54 1 13.088 0.3106 0.5867 #> time:breed 94.03 94.03 1 154.000 19.0249 2.352e-05 *** #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1# PROC MIXED DATA=ex33; # CLASS breed animal_id; # MODEL pcv = breed breed*time/SOLUTION; # REPEATED/TYPE=AR(1) SUBJET = animal_id(breed) R; # RUN; library(nlme) fm3.10 <- nlme::gls( model = PCV ~ breed + breed:time , data = ex33 , correlation = corAR1(, form = ~ 1|animal_id/breed) , weights = NULL # , subset = , method = "REML" # c("REML", "ML") , na.action = na.fail , control = list() ) summary(fm3.10)#> Generalized least squares fit by REML #> Model: PCV ~ breed + breed:time #> Data: ex33 #> AIC BIC logLik #> 804.5616 823.1608 -396.2808 #> #> Correlation Structure: AR(1) #> Formula: ~1 | animal_id/breed #> Parameter estimate(s): #> Phi #> 0.6241789 #> #> Coefficients: #> Value Std.Error t-value p-value #> (Intercept) 35.08913 1.0471270 33.50991 0.0000 #> breedBO -0.85157 1.4796797 -0.57551 0.5657 #> breedBO:time -0.43550 0.0483666 -9.00410 0.0000 #> breedND:time -0.28735 0.0484103 -5.93569 0.0000 #> #> Correlation: #> (Intr) bredBO brdBO: #> breedBO -0.708 #> breedBO:time 0.000 -0.553 #> breedND:time -0.783 0.554 0.000 #> #> Standardized residuals: #> Min Q1 Med Q3 Max #> -2.0668140 -0.5350802 -0.1433891 0.7629290 2.8190628 #> #> Residual standard error: 3.195351 #> Degrees of freedom: 168 total; 164 residualanova(fm3.10)#> Denom. DF: 164 #> numDF F-value p-value #> (Intercept) 1 3839.638 <.0001 #> breed 1 13.197 4e-04 #> breed:time 2 58.153 <.0001# PROC MIXED DATA=ex33; # CLASS breed animal_id; # MODEL pcv = breed breed*time/SOLUTION; # RANDOM INTERCEPT time/TYPE=UN SUBJET = animal_id(breed) SOLUTION; # RUN; library(nlme) # fm3.11 <- # nlme::gls( # model = PCV ~ breed + breed:time # , data = ex33 # , random = ~1|animal_id/breed # , correlation = corAR1(, form = ~ 1|animal_id/breed) # , weights = NULL # # , subset = # , method = "REML" # c("REML", "ML") # , na.action = na.fail # , control = list() # ) # summary(fm3.11) # anova(fm3.11)