Exam2.B.6 is related to multi batch regression data assuming different forms of linear models keeping batch effect random.


  1. Stroup, W. W. (2012). Generalized Linear Mixed Models: Modern Concepts, Methods and Applications. CRC Press.

See also


#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Nested Model with no intercept #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(Table1.2) library(nlme) Table1.2$Batch <- factor(x = Table1.2$Batch) Exam2.B.6fm1 <- lme( fixed = Y~X , data = Table1.2 , random = list(Batch = pdDiag(~1), X = pdDiag(~1)) , correlation = NULL , weights = NULL # , subset , method = "REML" #c("REML", "ML") , na.action = na.fail # , control = list() , contrasts = NULL , keep.data = TRUE )